Italy: know the language for a fruitful visit

Italian life is best described in its own language itself. La Dolce Vita- literally, the sweet life- the good life. Since the times of the romans themselves, Italy has been a land of plenty.  The soil is extremely well endowed- and almost everything will grow here. The fruits, vegetables, and the venerable olives themselves- are of the fore, most quality in the world, with regard to taste. Some will argue that it is this natural taste which has Italian food to be considered today among the most elaborate, tastiest and most sumptuous in the world- rivalling easily the stature of the French. But still others will say that this gift o0f taste is the hard work of our chefs- again some of the best in the world. Italian chefs consider their profession as their first love. Unlike most others, Italian cooks understand that when you cook with passion, you can actually taste it in your food itself. Passion is the Italians secret- from Lamborghini supercars to Mozzarella cheese that melts right in your mouth, they believe in the exclusive, the tasteful, and the luxurious. Italian olives, and the resulting olive oil, is considered to be of the highest quality in the world, and is used in almost every Italian dish- be it goat cheese salad, or pizza. Yes, pizza is what the world knows Italian food by- but trust me, there’s much more.

Pimsleur-Italian-Italian-learning-softwareItaly is a major world tourist destination with over 46.1 million arrivals in 2011. If you are planning your next trip anytime soon, there is a small chink that you have to arrange for. You see, Italians don’t speak English- they speak Italian. Not that I needed to tell you that one, but unlike some other natives, Italians are not generally bilingual, especially if you are travelling to rural areas- and travel there you will, to see real Italian countryside magic. You need to be prepared with respect to the Italian language and learn some rudimentary phrases, like enquiring for tourist offices, restaurants, toilets, hotels, travel and transport etc… try to take a crash course in Italian before you travel .don’t worry, it’s really easy- there are 21 alphabets, same as our good old English, only that some like x,y,z are absent. Be sure to sort out the nitty gritties of the language- use Italian learning software’s or ‘tell me more’ literature on Italian.

Once you are armed with all the requisite skills, you can go ahead and enjoy this country- this land of finery will show you a side of Europe you will never forget!

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